DSA is the father of Land Genetics a revolutionary discovery In Land Studies


DSA intercepts the subtle messages from land to in context of the emotional- mental-physical behavior patterns. He then
recommends ways to establish harmony between humans & their land.

Every once in a while, a chosen one takes flight through the ruptures of ignorance, over the ocean of wisdom. Deepak Shankar Agrawal, a man of exceptional insight, dove deep into the ocean and discovered the nuances of our connection with the land we inhabit.

Deepak Shankar Agrawal(DSA) is the founder of Land Genetics Studies, that has revolutionised the world by solving the puzzles of Land-Human relationship. Land is an alive fusion of forces, elements, minerals, etc. in constant communication with all the living and non-living. DSA heard the land speak, deciphered her secrets and compiled them all in LAND GENETICS to help people live a responsive life. 

Land Genetics has contributed immensely to the splendor of human potential, health, productivity and affluence by harmonizing their spatial placement with their land. The accuracy of his research enables people to attract affluence and inspires in them an environmentally sustainable living.     

Everything you have ever dreamed of....DSA helps you make it possible .


DSA brings to you the wisdom that is the need of every human endeavour in every field.

DSA has pieced together information from his researches & experiments to support his early stream of intuition – if we create infrastructures in Harmony with the forces of the earth & cosmos, a miraculous growth is possible in individuals & corporates alike.

DSA is an Indian Polymath who has dedicated himself to the study of Architecture, Human Anatomy, Civil Engineering, Physiology, Pharmacology, Geology, Anthropology, Physics, Chemistry, Biology,  Geography,  Archaeology, and History in pursuit of his answers. 

Thirty years back, a series of traumatic events in his vicinity intrigued DSA.  His nonconformist civil engineer mind soon engaged in an intense inquiry of the connection between human behaviour, architecture and the land that housed them. He followed the trajectory of his various projects beyond completion and noticed unusual anomalies and patterns. His studies steered him deeper into rare findings of land-architecture connection with their incumbents, users and ventures. He realised that every anomaly was rooted in either Net Potential Difference of the location, Electro-Magnetic Waves, or Differential Weight Distribution.

He investigated sick factories, failed industrial structures, abandoned manufacturing units, etc and reinstated them into flourishing enterprises. With every project he established accurate ways to channelize the forces of the earth, every successful application of his knowledge laid the foundation of the groundbreaking concept of Land Genetics, every application of Land Genetics uplifted the lives of its users.

Over the last three decades, DSA has remodelled countless lives and enterprises by listening to the land. He received the National Award for his exceptional contribution to the innovative studies of the Land.

Mumbai based Deepak Shankar Agrawal has given various talks at national and international platforms on his conclusions. He makes professional trips across the world to consult on many premium projects.

DSA has an ocean of knowledge. He is always ready to help, all he needs is a good network to establish himself & to meet the right people so his work reaches the right people.

Lalit rajkumar bajaj, bajaj Finance


DSA's powerful knowledge can enhance your life in every area from health to wealth to success to relationships

COntact DSA Now For the scan of your land

Our Logo

The logo of Land Genetics is an abstraction of the fundamental concept of Land Geneticsa mutually beneficial alignment between the land and humans in all aspects of their life. The image depicts the earth, her forces, its spirit in a dynamic harmony with humans. The vertical and horizontal arcs indicate the earth forces. The navy blue lines are an abstraction of architecture / infrastructure – our homes, factories, and businesses, etc. The face depicts life – of humans and the spirit of the earth. The expression on the face is a manifestation of humans, their lives and business being in joyous alignment with the earth. The little piece of green indicates prosperity/affluence that results from synchronicity.

CALL DSA for a Land SCAN of YOUR 

+91 932 023 5215

Our Logo

The logo is an abstraction of the fundamental concept of Land Genetics – a mutually beneficial alignment between the land and humans in all aspects of their life. The image depicts the earth, her forces, its spirit in a dynamic harmony with humans. The vertical and horizontal arcs indicate the earth forces. The navy blue lines are an abstraction of architecture / infrastructure – our homes, factories, and businesses, etc. The face has a dual significance. It depicts the humans and the spirit of the earth. The calm and content expression on the face is a manifestation of the humans, their lives and business being in joyous alignment with the earth. The little piece of green indicates prosperity/affluence that results from an alignment.