Media Mentions
DSA & Land Genetics

Earth Day : the relevance of Land Genetics in the time of COVID-19

April 23, 2020

An article by in CNBCNEWS18

April 22 is celebrated as Earth Day across the world since 1970 after a UNESCO conference in San Francisco proposed a day in honour of the mother Earth a year earlier. On this day in 2016, a landmark Paris agreement — The draft Climate Protection Treaty — was signed by the US, China and 120 other countries to protect the planet.

Land Genetics : the earth human Connect

December 9, 2019

An article in Bindu Gopal Rao’s blog

Land genetics is a new way of looking at our earth’s impact on human beings, things we do, and methods to tap the potential of this phenomenon to our advantage. 

Impact of architecture on neuro system and human anatomy

March 18, 2020

An article by DSA in Udaipur Times

Does your mind go for a toss in messy places, dimly lit rooms, small isolated spaces or narrow pathways? Why is it that sunlight uplifts our mood or our productivity increases in organized places?

Land Genetics : Know Your Land

January 31, 2020

An article by DSA in

Just like genes are responsible for life form and its characteristic, there are specific traits of every structure (land, building, vicinity, load factors, placement and  external factors) that influence its human occupants. 

Bettering human lives by managing how their land behaves: this man has a theory

December 31, 2019

An article in Times Of India

“Kids born out of the same parents have different quality of lives despite having relatable genes. Although they may have had the same upbringing their life verticals differ. My study corroborates that this is all because of the effect of their location. As humans have their own behavioural pattern, so does the land” says Agrawal in an interview. 

Khabrilal exclusive: on Facebook

December 18, 2019

An interview with Khabrilal Exclusive 

Land Genetics : a new way of looking at Earth’s impact on human beings

November 3, 2019

An article in Times Of India

According to him, every part of land consists of a variety of minerals and their combination decides the behaviour of land. This has certain effects on activities on the surface as well as on the human brains on land. Agrawal, who stays in Mumbai, has been studying this subject for over three decades.

COntact DSA now for a Land Scan

Our Logo

The logo of Land Genetics is an abstraction of the fundamental concept of Land Geneticsa mutually beneficial alignment between the land and humans in all aspects of their life. The image depicts the earth, her forces, its spirit in a dynamic harmony with humans. The vertical and horizontal arcs indicate the earth forces. The navy blue lines are an abstraction of architecture / infrastructure – our homes, factories, and businesses, etc. The face depicts life – of humans and the spirit of the earth. The expression on the face is a manifestation of humans, their lives and business being in joyous alignment with the earth. The little piece of green indicates prosperity/affluence that results from synchronicity.

CALL DSA for a Land SCAN of YOUR 

+91 932 023 5215

Our Logo

The logo is an abstraction of the fundamental concept of Land Genetics – a mutually beneficial alignment between the land and humans in all aspects of their life. The image depicts the earth, her forces, its spirit in a dynamic harmony with humans. The vertical and horizontal arcs indicate the earth forces. The navy blue lines are an abstraction of architecture / infrastructure – our homes, factories, and businesses, etc. The face has a dual significance. It depicts the humans and the spirit of the earth. The calm and content expression on the face is a manifestation of the humans, their lives and business being in joyous alignment with the earth. The little piece of green indicates prosperity/affluence that results from an alignment.